2024年2月23日下午,第16届“长城友谊奖”颁奖仪式暨座谈交流会在首钢园举行。环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室费凡(Francesco Faiola)研究员与其他14位为北京发展作出突出贡献的外籍人士获此殊荣。市委书记尹力与获奖者座谈,市委副书记、市长殷勇为获奖者颁奖,市委副书记刘伟出席,市委常委游钧、赵磊、于英杰参加。

Francesco Faiola(费凡),环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室研究员,干细胞毒理学研究组组长。自2013年12月起,费凡扎根我重点室基础科研一线10年,始终聚焦环境污染物的健康风险研究。他将干细胞技术与环境毒理学交叉融合,在国际上开创性地建立了干细胞毒理学研究平台,引领了环境毒理学新的发展方向。在我重点室工作10年来,先后获得中国科学院“特需外国人才”、 国家自然科学基金委首批“外国资深学者”以及北京市“外籍高层次人才”等基金项目资助,2022年-2024年获得了中国科学院“国际科技合作奖”等重要奖项。
Distinguished leaders, honorable representatives of the Beijing local government, and esteemed guests,
I am Francesco Faiola, or Fei Fan, a research professor. With profound gratitude and humility, I accept the esteemed "Great Wall Friendship Award". This recognition holds a special significance as it symbolizes the steadfast bond between Beijing and myself, and I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Beijing government.
我是Francesco Faiola,中文名叫费凡,是一名科研工作者。我万分荣幸作为长城友谊奖的获得者参加今天的座谈。首先,我要对北京市委市政府各位领导和工作人员表示衷心的感谢,能够获此殊荣,我倍感荣耀。
In December 2013, I joined the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a full-time leader of the Stem Cell Toxicology Research Group. Prior to relocating to China, I spent 14 years studying and working at the University of California and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.
Since coming to China, I have been living and working in Beijing. Over the past ten years, Beijing has been rapidly developing into an international science and technology innovation center, utilizing its strengths in education, science, technology, and human resources. In the basic scientific research fields that I am familiar with, Beijing has made significant progress. The State Key Laboratory where I work has been conducting research on novel pollutants for many years and has established a comprehensive system for identifying, characterizing, and controlling emerging pollutants. This system not only promotes the development and application of new pollutant management technologies, but also drives the research and development of proprietary equipment. Additionally, the Laboratory is using a combination of artificial intelligence and automation technology to develop toxicity testing and prioritization screening systems for emerging pollutants.
As a scientist in the field of environmental health, I deeply understand the importance of pollutant control in achieving the "double carbon" goals. President Xi has emphasized the importance of controlling emerging pollutants as a key area of national basic research and technological innovation, with a focus on tackling core technological issues and implementing major actions in ecological and environmental science and technology innovation. Given the unique characteristics of chemical production and environmental pollution in China, the environmental exposure and health hazard mechanisms of emerging pollutants differ significantly from those in developed countries. Consequently, it is not feasible to simply adopt foreign research models and conclusions. The exposure characteristics of emerging pollutants in China are complex, and there is a lack of theoretical and methodological research on the health hazards caused by exposure. The research conducted at the State Key Laboratory where I am employed has focused on addressing the scientific challenges posed by emerging pollutants in China. This institution is not only a pioneer in the discovery of emerging pollutants internationally but also a milestone in the use of stable isotopes to trace the sources of environmental fine particulate matter and a gold standard for dioxin analysis and assessment. Our Laboratory has made significant contributions to the development of basic equipment for emerging pollutants, including the creation of a pioneering Integrated Toxicology Analyzer, a world's first high-throughput and multi-functional toxicological analysis system, which was developed over a period of 16 years. This system integrates chemical analysis with toxicity testing technology, enabling complex pollutant mixture separation and identification and high-throughput multi-target toxicity testing, serving various fields such as national and global environmental protection and food safety.
The development of new pollutants treatment and control measures in the future will necessitate the establishment of a comprehensive legal framework and standard system. It is crucial to clarify the responsibilities of regulatory agencies and establish systems for monitoring, controlling, and penalizing pollutant emissions. Additionally, it is important to strengthen legal supervision, fully implement the registration system for environmental management of new chemicals, and strictly control pollution at its source. Furthermore, it is vital to strengthen green management throughout the product lifecycle, and promote clean production and green manufacturing.
Engaging in both "going out" and "bringing in" international cooperation to establish a comprehensive network of basic research collaborations is paramount. To maintain and attract overseas researchers, Beijing should establish long-term support mechanisms for foreign scientists, including extended funding periods and reapplication options. Currently, the city offers programs for foreign scholars, but funding is limited to six months to two years and does not allow for reapplication upon expiration. By expanding the duration of these programs to four to five years and providing continuous support for exceptional programs, Beijing can address the concerns of long-term foreign residents and foster a stable environment for scientific research.
Finally, I would like to extend my sincerest appreciation one last time, and I wish everyone a joyous Lantern Festival in advance.