论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物名称 | 年/卷/页 |
Concise Synthesis of 2,4-disubstituted Thiazoles from β-Azido Disulfides and Carboxylic Acids or Anhydrides: Asymmetric Synthesis of Cystothiazole C | ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY | Yi Liu, Xue Sun, Xing Zhang, Jun Liu*, Yuguo Du* | 2014,12,42,8453-8461 |
Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds suppress acetylcholinesterase activity via transcriptional downregulations in vitro | Journal of Molecular Neuroscience | 徐海明,谢群慧,陶吴群,周志广,李帅章,赵斌 | 2014,53,3,417-423 |
Incorporation of the fluoride induced Si-O bond cleavage and functionalized gold nanoparticle aggregation into one colorimetric probe for highly specific and sensitive detection of fluoride | Analytica Chimica Acta | Jiefang Sun, Rui Liu, Zongmian Zhang, Jingfu Liu* | 2014,820,139-145 |
N-doped nanoporous graphene decorated three-dimensional CuO nanowire network and its application to photocatalytic degradation of dyes. | RSC Advances | Zhang Liqiang, Gao Zhenfei, Liu Chao, Ren Liang, Tu Zhiqiang, Liu Rui, Yang Fan, Zhang Yunhan, Ye Zhizhen, Li Yongfeng, Cui Lishan | 2014,4,88,47455-47460 |
Total Syntheses of Cochliomycin B and Zeaenol | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | Yangguang Gao, Jun Liu, Linlin Wang, Ming Xiao, Yuguo Du* | 2014,10,2092-2098 |
2,3,3'-三氯联苯与人血清白蛋白之间相互作用的计算模拟及光谱研究 | 分析测试学报 | 艾芳婷,忠胜,蒙延娟,张爱茜 | 2014,33,2,179-184 |
A Case Study on the Long-Term Influence of Historical Intensive Usage of Organochlorine Pesticides on Current Ambient Air | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | 姜晓旭,高丽荣,刘国瑞,李成,郑明辉 | 2014,14,3,1047-1054 |
A sensitive fluorescence anisotropy method for detection of lead (II)ion by a G-quadruplex-inducible DNA aptamer | Analytica Chimica Acta | Dapeng Zhanga, Lei Yin, Zihui Meng, Anchi Yu, Liang-hong Guo, Hailin Wang | 2014,812,161-167 |
Accumulation of total mercury and methylmercury in rice plants collected from different mining areas in China | Environmental Pollution | Meng M, Li B, Shao JJ, Wang T, He B, Shi JB*, Ye ZH, Jiang GB | 2014,184,179-186 |
Acrolein- and 4-Aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts in human bladder mucosa and tumor tissue and their mutagenicity in human urothelial cells | Oncotarget | Hyun-Wook Lee, Hsiang-Tsui Wang, Mao-wen Weng, Yu Hu, Wei-sheng Chen, David Chou, Yan Liu, Nicholas Donin, William C. Huang, Herbert Lepor, Xue-Ru Wu, Hailin Wang, Frederick A. Beland, Moon-shong Tang | 2014,3,3526-3540 |
Acute toxicity evaluation for quinolones antibiotics and their chlorination disinfection processes | Journal of Environmental Sciences | Min Li, Dongbin Wei, Yuguo Du | 2014,26,9,1837-1842 |
Adsorption kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamics of Cr(Ⅲ) on graphene oxide | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | Shuang Yang, Lingyun Li, Zhiguo Pei, Chunmei Li,Jitao Lv, Jieli Xie, Bei Wen, Shuzhen Zhang | 2014,457,5,100-106 |
Alterations of endogenous metabolites in urine of rats exposed to decabromodiphenyl ether using metabonomic approaches | Journal of Environmental Sciences | Weijin Yang, Jianjie Fu, Thanh Wang, Hanxia Liu, Yawei Wang, Qunfang Zhou?, Guibin Jiang | 2014,26,4,900-908 |
Aluminum dialkyl phosphinate flame retardants and their hydrolysates: Analytical method and occurrence in soil and sediment samples from a manufacturing site. | Environmental Science & Technology | Niu Yuming, Liu Jingfu, Liang Yong, Hao Zhineng, Liu Jiyan, Liu Yuchen, Sun Xue | 2014,48,6,3336-3346 |
An exploration of the estrogen receptor transcription activity of capsaicin analogues via an integrated approach based on in silico prediction and in vitro assays | Toxicology Letters | Juan Li, Duo Ma, Yuan Lin, Jianjie Fu, Aiqian Zhang | 2014,227,3,179-188 |
Assembly of a Nanoreactor System with Confined Magnetite Core and Shell for Enhanced Fenton-Like Catalysis | Chemistry-A European Journal | Tao Zeng, Xiaole Zhang, Saihua Wang, Yurong Ma, Hongyun Niu, Yaqi Cai | 2014,20,21,6474-6481 |
Assessing developmental toxicity and estrogenic activity of halogenated bisphenol A on zebrafish (Danio rerio) | Chemosphere | Maoyong Song, Dong Liang, Yong Liang, Minjie Chen, Fengbang Wang, Hailin Wang, Guibin Jiang | 2014,112,275-281 |
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contents in Surface Soil in the Lhasa–Shigatse–Nam Co Area of the Tibetan Plateau, China | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 解惠婷,李季,张承中,田振宇,刘鑫,唐琛,韩莹,刘文彬 | 2014,93,2,192-198 |
Augmented atherogenesis in ApoE-null mice co-exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin | TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY | Shan Qiuli, Wang Jing,Huang Fengchen,Lv Xiaowen, Du Yuguo | 2014,276,2,136-146 |
Automated and sensitive determination of four anabolic androgenic steroids in urine by online turbulent flow solid-phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: A novel approach for clinical monitoring and doping control | Talanta | Guo F, Shao J, Liu Q, Shi JB*, Jiang GB | 2014,125,432-438 |
Bioaccumulation and regional distribution of trace metals in fish of the Tibetan Plateau | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | Ruiqiang Yang, Shujuan Zhang, Zhenhua Wang | 2014,36,1,183-191 |
Bioavailability and tissue distribution of Dechloranes in wild frogs (Rana limnocharis) from an e-waste recycling area in Southeast China | Journal of Environmental Sciences | Long Li, Wenyue Wang, Quanxia Lv, Yujie Ben, Xinghong Li | 2014,26,636-642 |
Cellular target recognition of perfluoroalkyl acids: In vitro evaluation of inhibitory effects on lysine decarboxylase | Science of the Total Environment | SufangWang,Qiyan Lv,Yu Yang,Liang-Hong Guo,Bin Wan,Lixia Zhao | 2014,496,381-388 |
Characterization of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hydroxylated and methoxylated PBDEs in soils and plants from an e-waste area, China | Environmenal Pollution | Sen Wang, Shuzhen Zhang, Honglin Huang, Zhenchuan Niu, Wei Han | 2014,184,405-413 |
Characterizations of cholinesterases in golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). | Journal of Molecular Neuroscience | Zou XH, Xie HQ, Zha GC, Chen VP, Sun YJ, Zheng YZ, Tsim KW, Dong TT, Choi RC, Luk WK. | 2014,53,3,424-428 |
Chemical transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles as a result ofinteraction with hydroxyapatite | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | Jitao Lv, Shuzhen Zhang, Songshan Wang, Lei Luo, Honglin Huang, Jing Zhang | 2014,461,5,126-132 |
Coffee-ring effect-based simultaneous SERS substrate fabrication and analyte enrichment for trace analysis | Nanoscale | Weidong Wang, Yongguang Yin, Zhiqiang Tan and Jingfu Liu | 2014,6,16,9588-9593 |
Colorimetric Au nanoparticle probe for speciation test of arsenite and arsenate inspired by selective interaction between phosphonium ionic liquid and arsenite | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | Tan Zhiqiang, Liu Jingfu, Yin Yongguang, Shi Qiantao,Jing Chuanyong, Jiang Guibin | 2014,6,26,19833-19839 |
Concentration and distribution of PCNs in ambient soil of a municipal solid waste incinerator | Science of the Total Environment | 田振宇,李海凤,解惠婷,唐琛,韩莹,刘文彬 | 2014,491-492,75-79 |
Concentrations and distribution of synthetic musks and siloxanes in sewage sludge of wastewater treatment plants in China | Science of The Total Environment | Nannan Liu, Yali Shi, Wenhui Li, Lin Xu, Yaqi Cai | 2014,476-477,65-72 |
Current Levels and Composition Profiles of Emerging Halogenated Flame Retardants and Dehalogenated Products in Sewage Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in China | Environmental Science & Technology | Lixi Zeng, Ruiqiang Yang, Qinghua Zhang, Haidong Zhang, Ke Xiao, Haiyan Zhang, Yawei Wang, Paul K.S. Lam, and Guibin Jiang | 2014,48,12586-12594 |
Determination of nine benzotriazole UV stabilizers in environmental water samples by automated on-line solid phase extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry | Talanta | Runzeng Liu, Ting Ruan, Thanh Wang, Shanjun Song, Feng Guo, Guibin Jiang* | 2014,120,158-166 |
Determining indicator toxaphene Congeners in soil using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry | Talanta | 朱帅,高丽荣,郑明辉,刘卉闵,张兵,刘立丹,王毅文 | 2014,118,210-216 |
Detoxifying polyhalogenated catechols through a copper-chelating agent by forming stable and redox-inactive hydrogen-bonded complexes with an unusual perpendicular structure | Chemistry - A European Journal | Li Y, Huang CH, Liu YX, Mao L, Zhu BZ. | 2014,20,40,13028-13033 |
Development of a one-step microwave-assisted extraction procedure for highly efficient extraction of multiclass fungicides in soils | Analytical Methods | Merdassa Yared, Liu Jingfu, Megersa Negussie | 2014,6,9,3025-3033 |
Direct analysis of eight chlorophenols in urine by large volume injection online turbulent flow solid-phase extraction liquid chromatography with multiple wavelength ultraviolet detection | Talanta | Guo F, Liu Q, Shi JB*, Wei FS, Jiang GB | 2014,119,396-400 |
Disordered hepcidin-ferroportin signaling promotes breast cancer growth | Cell Signal | Zhang S, Chen Y, Guo W, Yuan L, Zhang D, Xu Y, Nemeth E, Ganz T, Liu S | 2014,26,11,2539-2550 |
Distribution of mercury in coastal marine sediments of China: Sources and transport | Marine Pollution Bulletin | Meng M, Shi JB*, Yun ZJ, Zhao ZS, Li HJ, Gu YX, Shao JJ, Chen BW, Li XD, Jiang GB | 2014,88,347-353 |
Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Soil Around Three Typical Industrial Sites in Beijing, China | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | Y.F. Zhang, Shan Fu, Y. Dong, H.F. Nie, Z. Li, X.C. Liu | 2014,92,466-471 |
Distribution of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p- dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Atmosphere of Beijing, China. | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | Zhi-Guang Zhou, Bin Zhao, Li Qi, Peng-Jun Xu, Yue Ren, Nan Li, Sen Zheng, Hu Zhao, Shuang Fan, Ting Zhang, Ai-Min Liu, Ye-Ru Huang, Li Shen | 2014,14,1269-1278 |
DNA 损伤的光电化学传感器检测 | 化学进展 | 吴一萍,郭良宏 | 2014,26,1,1-9 |
Effect of NiFe2O4 on PCDF byproducts formation during thermal degradation of decachlorobiphenyl | RSC Advances | 黄林艳,苏贵金,刘烨煊,黎烈武,刘莎,芦会杰,郑明辉 | 2014,4,48,25453-25460 |
Effects of copper and aluminum on the adsorption of sulfathiazole and tylosin on peat and soil | Environmental Pollution | Zhiguo Pei, Shuang Yang, Lingyun Li, Chunmei Li, Xiaoquan Shan, Shuzhen Zhang, Bei Wen | 2014,184,579-585 |
Effects of humic acid on copper adsorption onto few-layer reduced graphene oxide and few-layer graphene oxide | Carbon | Shuang Yang, Lingyun Li, Zhiguo Pei, Chunmei Li, Xiaoquan Shan, Bei Wen, Shuzhen Zhang, Lirong Zheng, Jing Zhang, Yaning Xie, Rixiang Huang | 2014,75,227-235 |
Efficient interface for online coupling of capillary electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and its application in simultaneous speciation analysis of arsenic and selenium | Analytical Chemistry | Lihong Liu, Zhaojun Yun, Bin He*, and Guibin Jiang | 2014,86,8167-8175 |
Engineered SNAP-MBD2b proteins for specific recognition of methylated DNA | SCIENCE CHINA-Chemistry | ZOU DanDan, WANG XiaoLi, CHEN ZhiLan, ZHANG DaPeng & WANG HaiLin* | 2014,57,7,1019-1025 |
Enhanced catalytic application of Au@polyphenolmetal nanocomposites synthesized by a facile and green method | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | Tao Zeng, Xiaole Zhang, Yuanyuan Guo, Hongyun Niu, Yaqi Cai | 2014,2,36,14807-14811 |
Environmental (anti-)androgenic chemicals affect germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of Xenopus laevis oocytes in vitro | Toxicol in Vitro | Cao Shan, Wei Xu, Lou Qin-Qin, Zhang Yin-Feng, Zhao Ya-Xian, Wei Wu-Ji, Qin Zhan-Fen | 2014,28,3,426-431 |
Environmental fate and behavior of persistent organic pollutants in Shergyla Mountain, southeast of the Tibetan Plateau of China | Environmental Pollution | Nali Zhu, Karl Werner Schramm, Thanh Wang, Bernhard Henkelmann, Xiaoyan Zheng, Jianjie Fu, Yan Gao, Yawei Wang, Guibin Jiang | 2014,191,166-174 |
Estimation and characterization of unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutant emission from converter steelmaking processes | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 李素梅,郑明辉,刘文彬,刘国瑞,肖珂,李常亮 | 2014,21,12,7361-7368 |
Fabrication of magnetic mesoporous carbon and its application for adsorptive removal of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (TCP) from aqueous solution | CrystEngComm | Saihua Wang, Hongyun Niu, Tao Zeng, Xunfeng Ma, Yaqi Cai, Xiaoli Zhao | 2014,16,25,5598-5607 |
Facile detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensor based on the au coffee ring effect | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | Xu, Jianwei,Du, Jingjing,Jing, Chuanyong,Zhang, Yongli,Cui, Jinli | 2014,6,6891-6897 |
Facile synthesis of novel flowerlike magnetic mesoporous carbon for efficient chlorophenols removal | Microporous and Mesoporous Materials | Shuangliu Liu, Sheng Li, Hongyun Niu, Tao Zeng, Yaqi Cai, Chunhong Shi, Beihai Zhou, Fengchang Wu, Xiaoli Zhao | 2014,200,151-158 |
Field study on the uptake and translocation of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in biosolids-amended soils | Environmental Pollution | Bei Wen, Longfei Li, Hongna Zhang, Yibing Ma, Xiaoquan Shan, Shuzhen Zhang | 2014,184,547-554 |
Genotoxicity of quinolones: Substituents contribution and transformation products QSAR evaluation using 2D and 3D models. | Chemosphere | Min Li, Dongbin Wei, Huimin Zhao, Yuguo Du | 2014,95,220-226 |
Graphene sensing an inhomogeneous strain due to the surface relief in FeNiCoTi shape memory alloy | Jounal of Rman Spectroscopy | Zhang Liqiang,Shao Yang,Tu Zhiqiang,Liu Rui,Yang Fan, Jiang Daqiang, Guo Yunpeng, Ye Zhizhen,Liu Ting, Li Yongfeng, Cui Lishan | 2014,45,1-6 |
Graphenized pencil lead fiber: Facile preparation and application in solid-phase microextraction | Journal of Chromatography A | Qian Liu, Mengting Cheng, Yanmin Long, Miao Yu, Thanh Wang, Guibin Jiang | 2014,1325,1-7 |
Growing Rice Aerobically Markedly Decreases Mercury Accumulation by Reducing Both Hg Bioavailability and the Production of MeHg | Environmental Science & Technology | Wang X, Ye ZH*, Li B, Huang LN, Meng M, Shi JB*, Jiang GB | 2014,48,1878-1885 |
Health risks from the exposure of children to As, Se, Pb and other heavy metals near the largest coking plant in China | Science of The Total Environment | Suzhen Cao,Xiaoli Duan*,Xiuge Zhao, Jin Ma, Ting Dong, Nan Huang, Chengye Sun, Bin He, Fusheng Wei* | 2014,472,1001-1009 |
Hepcidin deficiency undermines bone load-bearing capacity through inducing iron overload | Gene | Sun L, Guo W, Yin C, Zhang S, Qu G, Hou Y, Rong H, Ji H, Liu S | 2014,543,1,161-165 |
Highly dynamic PVP-coated silver nanoparticles in aquatic environments: Chemical and morphology change induced by oxidation of Ag0 and reduction of Ag+ | Environmental Science & Technology | Yu Sujuan, Yin Yongguang, Chao Jingbo, Shen Mohai, Liu Jingfu | 2014,48,1,403-411 |
Highly Elevated Serum Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Fishery Employees from Tangxun Lake, China | Environmental Science & Technology | Zhen Zhou, Yali Shi, Robin Vestergren, Thanh Wang, Yong Liang, Yaqi Cai | 2014,48,3864-3874 |
Highly selective naphthalimide-based fluorescent probe for direct hydrogen sulfide detection in the Environment | ?RSC Advances | Yuanyuan Guo, Tao Zeng, Guoqing Shi, Yaqi Cai, Ruliang Xie | 2014,4,63,33626-33628 |
HSPC111 Governs Breast Cancer Growth by Regulating Ribosomal Biogenesis | Mol Cancer Res | Zhang C, Yin C, Wang L, Zhang S, Qian Y, Ma J, Zhang Z, Xu Y, Liu S | 2014,12,4,583-594 |
Identification and composition of emerging quaternary ammonium compounds in municipal sewage sludge in China. | Environmental Science & Technology | Ting Ruan, Shanjun Song, Thanh Wang, Runzeng Liu, Yongfeng Lin, Guibin Jiang* | 2014,48,4289-4297 |
Identification of Allosteric Nucleotide Sites of Tetramethylrhodamine-Labeled Aptamer for Noncompetitive Aptamer-Based Fluorescence Anisotropy Detection of a Small Molecule, Ochratoxin A | Analytical Chemistry | Qiang Zhao, Qin Lv, and Hailin Wang | 2014,86,1238-1245 |
In vitro inhibition of lysine decarboxylase activity by organophosphate esters | Biochemical Pharmacology | Sufang Wang, Bin Wan, Lianying Zhang, Yu Yang, Liang-Hong Guo | 2014,92,506-516 |
Influence of Carbon Nanotubes with Preloaded and Coexisting Dissolved Organic Matter on the Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Chironomus Plumosus Larvae in Sediment | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | Shen Mohai, Xia Xinghui, Zhai Yawei, Zhang Xiaotian, Zhao Xiuli, Zhang Pu | 2014,33,1,182-189 |
Insights from Arsenate Adsorption on Rutile (110): Grazing-Incidence X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy and DFT+U Study | ?The Journal of Physical Chemistry A | ?阎莉,胡珊,段晋明(西安建筑科技大学),景传勇 | 2014,118,4759-4765 |
Interplay of Binding Stoichiometry and Recognition Specificity for the Interaction of MBD2b Protein and Methylated DNA Revealed by Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled with Laser-Induced Fluorescence Analysis | Analytical Chemistry | Dandan Zou, Dapeng Zhang, Shengquan Liu, Bailin Zhao, and Hailin Wang* | 2014,86,1775-1782 |
Investigation of noncovalent interactions between hydroxylatedpolybrominated diphenyl ethers and bovine serum albumin usingelectrospray ionization-ion mobility-mass spectrometry | International Journal of Mass Spectrometry | Qiang Ma, Hua Bai, Chao Wang, Guang-Cheng Xi, Qing Zhang, Xian-Shuang Meng, Yun-Xia Chen, Jing-Rui Li, Hui-Juan Ma, Liang-Hong Guo | 2014,357,34-44 |
Isotopic ratio based source apportionment of children’s blood lead around coking plant area | Environment International | Suzhen Cao,Xiaoli Duan*,Xiuge Zhao, Beibei Wang, Jin Ma, Delong Fan, Chengye Sun, Bin He, Fusheng Wei*,Guibin Jiang | 2014,73,158-166 |
Level and Congener Profiles of Polybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in the Atmosphere of Beijing, China | Atmospheric Environment | Zhi-Guang Zhoua,Bin Zhao, Li Qi, Peng-Jun Xu, Yue Ren, Nan Li, Sen Zheng, Hu Zhao, Shuang Fan, Hui Zhang, Ting Zhang, Ai-Min Liu, Ye-Ru Huang | 2014,95,225-230 |
Levels and distributions of hexachlorobutadiene and three chlorobenzenes in biosolids from wastewater treatment plants and in soils within and surrounding a chemical plant in China | Environmental Science & Technology | Haiyan Zhang, Yawei Wang, Cheng Sun, Miao Yu, Yan Gao, Thanh Wang, Jiyan Liu*, and Guibin Jiang | 2014,48,1525-1531 |
Mechanistic study of PFOS adsorption on kaolinite and montmorillonite | Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | 张锐明,严炜,景传勇 | 2014,462,252-258 |
Methylmercury Photodegradation in Surface Water of the Florida Everglades: Importance of Dissolved Organic Matter-Methylmercury Complexation | Environmental Science & Technology | Chao Tai, Yanbin Li, Yongguang Yin, Leonard Scinto, Guibin Jiang, Yong Cai | 2014,48,13,7333-7340 |
MicroRNA Potential Regulators in Atherosclerosis Induced by POPs | Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology | Fengchen Huang, Jing Wang, Qiuli Shan, Yuguo Du | 2014,9,1,14-23 |
Molecular characterization and developmental expression patterns of thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) and their responsiveness to TR agonist and antagonist in Rana nigromaculata | Journal of Environmental Sciences | Lou Qin-Qin, Zhang Yin-Feng, Ren Dong-Kai, Xu Hai-Ming, Zhao Ya-Xian, Qin Zhan-Fen , Wei Wu-Ji | 2014,26,2084-2094 |
Morphology-dependent bactericidal activities of Ag/CeO2 catalysts against Escherichia coli | J Inorg Biochem | Wang L, He H, Yu Y, Sun L, Liu S, Zhang C, He L | 2014,135,45-53 |
Nanomaterials for analysis and monitoring of emerging chemical pollutants | Trends in Analytical Chemistry | Qian Liu, Qunfang Zhou, Guibin Jiang | 2014,58,10-22 |
Nanosilver incurs an adaptive shunt of energy metabolism mode to glycolysis in tumor and nontumor cells | ACS Nano | Chen Y, Wang Z, Xu M, Wang X, Liu R, Liu Q, Zhang Z, Xia T, Zhao J, Jiang G, Xu Y, Liu S | 2014,8,6,5813-5825 |
Occurrence and fate of perfluoroalkyl substances in marine sediments from the Chinese Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea | Environmental Pollution | Yan Gao, Jianjie Fu, Lixi Zeng, An Li, Huijuan, Li, Nali, Zhu, Runzeng, Liu, Aifeng, Liu, Yawei Wang, Guibin Jiang | 2014,194,60-68 |
Occurrence and removal of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers in a wastewater treatment plant in China | Environmental Sciences: Processes & Impacts | Shanjun Song, Ting Ruan, Thanh Wang, Runzeng Liu, Guibin Jiang | 2014,16,1076-1082 |
Online Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in Ultraviolet (UV)-Irradiated Nano-TiO2 Suspensions by Continuous Flow Chemiluminescence | Analytical Chemistry | Dabin Wang, Lixia Zhao,Liang-Hong Guo,and Hui Zhang | 2014,86,10535-10539 |
Perfluorinated compounds in blood of textile workers and barbers | Chinese Chemical Letters | Cheng Lu,Yali Shi,Zhen Zhou,Nannan Liu,Zhaofu Meng,Yaqi Cai | 2014,25,8,1145-1148 |
Photo-reduction and stabilization capability of molecular weight fractionated natural organic matter in transformation of silver ion to metallic nanoparticle | Environmental Science & Technology | Yin Yongguang, Shen Mohai, Zhou Xiaoxia,Yu Sujuan, Chao Jingbo Liu Jingfu, Jiang Guibin | 2014,48,16,9336-9373 |
Placental Transfer of Dechlorane Plus in Mother?Infant Pairs in an E?Waste Recycling Area (Wenling, China) | Environmental Science and Technology | Yu-Jie Ben,Xing-Hong Li, You-Lin Yang,Long Li,Mei-Yun Zheng,Wen-yue Wang,and Xiao-Bai Xu | 2014,48,5187-5193 |
Polyamine-functionalized carbon nanodots: a novel chemiluminescence probe for selective detection of iron(III) ions | RSC Advances | Lixia Zhao,Fanglan Geng,Fan Di,Liang-Hong Guo,Bin Wan,Yu Yang,Hui Zhang and Guozhu Sun | 2014,4,45768-45771 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls and hexachlorocyclohexanes in sediments and fish species from the Napoleon Gulf of Lake Victoria, Uganda | Science of the Total Environment | Ssebugere Patrick; Sillanpaa Mika; Kiremire Bernard T.; Kasozi Gabriel N.; Wang Pu; Sojinu Samuel O.; Otieno Peter O.; Zhu Nali; Zhu Chaofei; Zhang Haidong; Shang Hongtao; Ren Daiwei; Li Yingming; Zhang Qinghua; Jiang Guibin | 2014,481,55-60 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls in respirable particulate matter from different industrial areas in northern China | Chemosphere | Haifeng Nie, Shan Fu, Yuan Dong, Zhongfang Yang | 2014,114,210-218 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls in sediments and fish species from the Murchison Bay of Lake Victoria, Uganda | Science of the Total Environment | Ssebugere Patrick; Sillanpaa Mika; Wang Pu; Li Yingming; Kiremire Bernard T.; Kasozi Gabriel N.; Zhu Chaofei; Ren Daiwei; Zhu Nali; Zhang Haidong; Shang Hongtao; Zhang Qinghua*; Jiang Guibin | 2014,482-483,349-357 |
Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Water Samples from the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, China | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | 张芹,高丽荣,郑明辉,刘立丹,李成 | 2014,92,5,585-589 |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in surface soil from the Tibetan Plateau | Journal of Environmental Sciences-China | 田振宇,李海凤,解惠婷,唐琛,韩莹,王梦京,刘文彬 | 2014,26,10,2041-2047 |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in water and six fish species from Dongting Lake, China | Chemosphere | 高丽荣,张芹,张兵,刘文彬,肖珂 | 2014,114,150-157 |
Polychlorinated naphthalenes in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants in China | Science of The Total Environment | Haiyan Zhang, Ke Xiao, Jiyan Liu, Thanh Wang, Guorui Liu, Yawei Wang, Guibin Jiang | 2014,490,555-560 |
Radial oxygen loss has different effects on the accumulationof total mercury and methylmercury in rice | Plant and Soil | Wang X, Li B, Tam NF, Huang L, Qi XL, Wang HB, Ye ZH*, Meng M, Shi JB* | 2014,385,343-355 |
Rapid detection of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) using a portable Au-colloid SERS sensor | Journal of Raman spectroscopy | 孙振丽,杜晶晶,阎莉,景传勇 | 2014,45,745-749 |
Rapid in-situ identification of arsenic species using a portable Fe3O4@Ag SERS sensor | Chemical Communication | Du, J.,Cui, J.,Jing, C. | 2014,50,347-349 |
Rapid on site separation of As(III) and As(V) in waters using a disposable thiol-modified sand cartridge | Environmental toxicology and chemistry | Du, J.,Che, D., Zhang, J.,Jing, C | 2014,33,1692-1696 |
Rapid quantification of highly polar trimethyl phosphate in wastewater via direct analysis in real-time mass spectrometry | Journal Of Chromatography A | Wang Xiaowei, Liu Jingfu, liu Charles C., Zhang Jing , Shao Bing,Liu Liping , Zhang Nila | 2014,1333,134-137 |
Reactive extractive electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for sensitive detection of tetrabromobisphenol A derivatives | Analytica Chimica Acta | Wang X, Ye ZH*, Li B, Huang LN, Meng M, Shi JB*, Jiang GB | 2014,814,49-54 |
Reciprocal transformation between hydroxylated and methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in young whole pumpkin plants | Environmental Science & Technology Letter | Jianteng Sun, Jiyan Liu*, Yanwei Liu, Miao Yu, and Guibin Jiang | 2014,1,236-241 |
Redox-active quinones induce genome-wide DNA methylation changes by an iron-mediated and Tet-dependent mechanism | Nucleic Acids Research | Zhao B, Yang Y, Wang X, Chong Z, Yin R, Song SH, Zhao C, Li C, Huang H, Sun BF, Wu D, Jin KX, Song M, Zhu B.Z., Jiang G, Rendtlew Danielsen JM, Xu GL, Yang YG, Wang H. | 2014,42,3,1593-1605 |
Redox-active quinones induces genome-wide DNA methylation changes by an iron-mediated and Tet-dependent mechanism | Nucleic Acids Research | Bailin Zhao, Ying Yang, Xiaoli Wang, Zechen Chong, Ruichuan Yin, Shu-Hui Song, Chao Zhao, Cuiping Li, Hua Huang, Bao-Fa Sun, Danni Wu, Kang-Xuan Jin, Maoyong Song, Ben-Zhan Zhu, Guibin Jiang, Jannie M. Rendtlew Danielsen, Guo-Liang Xu, Yun-Gui Yang,* and Hailin Wang | 2014,42,3,1593-1605 |
Removal of arsenate with hydrous ferric oxide coprecipitation: effect of humic acid | Journal of Environmental Sciences | Du, J.,Jing, C.*,Duan, J.,Zhang, Y., Hu, S | 2014,26,240-247 |
Sensitive Colorimetric Visualization of Perfluorinated Compounds Using Poly(ethylene glycol) and Perfluorinated Thiols Modified Gold Nanoparticles | Analytical Chemistry | Hongyun Niu, Saihua Wang, Zhen Zhou, Yurong Ma, Xunfeng Ma, Yaqi Cai | 2014,86,9,4170-4177 |
Separation and screening of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in environmental samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with micro electron capture detection | Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry | 夏丹,高丽荣,朱帅,郑明辉 | 2014,406,29,7561-7570 |
Simple and rapid determination of PCDD/Fs in flue gases from various waste incinerators in China using DR-EcoScreen cells | Chemosphere | Zhiguang Zhoua,Bin Zhao, Hiroyuki Kojima, Shinji Takeuchi, Yoko Takagi, Norio Tateishi, Mitsuru Iida, Takuya Shiozaki, Pengjun Xu, Li Qi, Yue Ren, Nan Li, Sen Zheng, Hu Zhao, Shuang Fan, Ting Zhang, Aimin Liu, Yeru Huang | 2014,102,24-30 |
Sorption of organophosphate esters by carbon nanotubes | Journal of Hazardous Materials | Wei Yan, Li Yan, Jinming Duan, Chuanyong Jing | 2014,273,53-60 |
Sources of unintentionally produced polychlorinated naphthalenes | Chemosphere | 刘国瑞,蔡宗苇,郑明辉 | 2014,94,1-12 |
Spatial and seasonal distributions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls around a municipal solid waste incinerator, determined using polyurethane foam passive air samplers | Chemosphere | 高丽荣,张芹,刘立丹,李常亮,王毅文 | 2014,114,317-326 |
Species-specific isotope dilution-GC-ICP-MS for accurate and precise measurement of methylmercury in water, sediments and biological tissues | Analytical Methods | Ma Xu,Yin Yongguang,Shi Jianbo,Liu Jingfu,Jiang Guibin | 2014,6,1,164-169 |
Stereoselective total synthesis of cochliomycin A | Tetrahedron | Linlin Wang, Yangguang Gao, Jun Liu*, Chao Cai, Yuguo Du* | 2014,70,16,2616-2620 |
Strategy for characterization of distribution and associations of organobromine compounds in soil using synchrotron based spectromicroscopies | Analytical Chemistry | Lei Luo, Jitao Lv, Chuang Xu, Shuzhen Zhang | 2014,86,22,11002-11005 |
Structure-dependent binding and activation of per?uorinated compounds on human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology | Lianying Zhang, Xiao-Min Ren, Bin Wan, Liang-Hong Guo | 2014,279,275-283 |
Submonolayer-Pt coated ultrathin Au nanowires and their self-organized nanoporous film: SERS and catalysis active substrates for operando SERS monitoring of catalytic reactions | Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | Liu Rui, Liu Jingfu, Zhang Zongmian,Zhang Liqiang, Sun Jiefang, Sun Mengtao, Jiang Guibin | 2014,5,6,969-975 |
Sulfonamide antibiotics in the Northern Yellow Sea are related to resistant bacteria: Implications for antibiotic resistance genes | Marine Pollution Bulletin | Guangshui Na,Wanru Zhang,Shiyao Zhou,Hui Gao,Zihao Lu,Xian Wu,Ruijing Li,Lina Qiu,Yaqi Cai,Ziwei Yao | 2014,84,1-2,70-75 |
Sulfur speciation in an arable soil as affected by sample pretreatments and sewage sludge application | Soil?Science?Society?of?America?Journal | Lei Luo, Chuang Xu, Yibing Ma, Lei Zheng, Lijuan Liu, Jitao Lv, Shuzhen Zhang | 2014,78,5,1615-1623 |
Synergistic effects of perfluoroalkyl acids mixtures with J-shaped concentration-responses on viability of a human liver cell line | Chemosphere | Jiayue Hu, Juan Li, Jianshe Wang, Aiqian Zhang, Jiayin Dai | 2014,96,81-88 |
Synthesis of hierarchical Mg-doped Fe3O4 micro/nano materials for the decomposition of hexachlorobenzene | Chemosphere | 苏贵金,刘烨煊,黄林艳,芦会杰,刘莎,黎烈武,郑明辉 | 2014,99,216-223 |
Tetrabromobisphenol A disrupts vertebrate development via thyroid hormone signaling pathway in a developmental stage-dependent Manner | Environmental Science and Technology | Zhang Yin-Feng, Xu Wei, Lou Qin-Qin, Li Yuan-Yuan, Zhao Ya-Xian, Wei Wu-Ji, Qin Zhan-Fen*, Wang Hui-Li, Li Jian-Zhong | 2014,48,14,8227-8234 |
The first convergent total synthesis of penarolide sulfate A(2), a novel alpha-glucosidase inhibitor | ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY | Yangguang Gao, Qiuli Shan, Jun Liu, Linlin Wang, Yuguo Du* | 2014,12,13,2071-2079 |
The presence of polychlorinated biphenyls in yellow pigment products in China with emphasis on 3,3′-dichlorobiphenyl (PCB 11) | Chemosphere | Hongtao Shang; Yingming Li; Thanh Wang; Pu Wang; Haidong Zhang; Qinghua Zhang; Guibin Jiang | 2014,98,44-50 |
The role of AhR in autoimmune regulation and its potential as a therapeutic target against CD4 T cell mediated inflammatory disorder. | Internatioanl Journal of Molecular Science | Zhu C, Xie Q, Zhao B | 2014,15,6,10116-10135 |
Thermal and photo-induced reduction of ionic Au(III) to elemental Au nanoparticles by dissolved organic matter in water: Possible source of naturally occurring Au nanoparticles | Environmental Science & Technology | Yin Yongguang, Yu Sujuan, Liu Jingfu, Jiang Guibin | 2014,48,5,2671-2679 |
Thermal Degradation of Octachloronaphthalene over As-Prepared Fe3O4Micro/Nanomaterial and Its Hypothesized Mechanism | Environmental Science and Technology | Guijin Su, Huijie Lu, Lixia Zhang, Aiqian Zhang, Linyan Huang, Sha Liu, Liewu Li, and Minghui Zheng | 2014,48,1,6899-6908 |
Thin layer chromatography coupled with surface enhanced Raman scattering as a facile method for on-site quantitative monitoring of chemical reactions. | Analytical Chemistry | Zhang Zongmian, Liu Jingfu, Liu Rui, Sun Jiefang, Wei Guohua | 2014,86,15,7286-7292 |
Total synthesis of (-)-petrosiol E | Tetrahedron | Linlin Wang, Xing Zhang, Jun Liu*, Yuguo Du,* | 2014,70,44,8231-8235 |
Total synthesis of ribisin A | Tetrahedron Letters | Chaoli Zhang, Jun Liu, Yuguo Du | 2014,55,4,959-961 |
UV Irradiation Induced Transformation of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Water: Aggregation and Photoreactivity | Environmental Science & Technology | Jing Sun,Liang-Hong Guo,Hui Zhang,and Lixia Zhao | 2014,48,11962-11968 |
表面增强拉曼光谱技术应用于环境污染物检测的研究进展 | 环境化学 | 刘文婧,杜晶晶, 景传勇 | 2014,33,2,217-228 |
超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定污水中14种有机磷酸酯阻燃剂 | 环境化学 | 梁钪,牛宇敏,刘景富 | 2014,33,10,1681-1685 |
低剂量Aroclor 1254 和BDE-209单一和复合暴露的甲状腺干扰作用 | 环境化学 | 徐海明,王宏伟,颜世帅,秦占芬 | 2014,33,10,1716-1722 |
多溴联苯的污染来源、分析方法和环境污染特征 | 化学进展 | 刘国瑞,李丽,孙素芳,姜晓旭,王美,郑明辉 | 2014,26,8,1434-1444 |
二噁英类污染物生物分析方法研究进展 | 环境化学 | 尹雪娇 周志广 谢群慧 徐团 李帅章 徐丽 赵斌 | 2014,33,10,1700-1709 |
非洲爪蟾胚胎用于发育神经毒性测试的方法 | 环境化学 | 付旭锋,李圆圆,崔清华,秦占芬 | 2014,33,10,1710-1715 |
高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱法测定南极样品中有机氯农药 | 环境化学 | 陈昭晶, 李英明, 王璞, 朱超飞, 高冠军, 肖珂, 任代卫, 张庆华 | 2014,33,10,1655-1661 |
黑斑蛙变态过程中甲状腺发育及甲状腺激素分泌 | 生态毒理学报 | 葛雅楠,李圆圆,张银凤,楼钦钦,赵亚娴,秦占芬 | 2014,38,4,714-719 |
环境水样中五种多环芳烃的表面增强拉曼光谱定量分析 | 环境化学 | 冯艾,段晋明,杜晶晶, 景传勇 | 2014,33,1,46-52 |
基于对接的植物激素3D-QSAR和分子动力学模拟 | 环境化学 | 蒙延娟,易忠胜,艾芳婷,张爱茜 | 2014,33,6,880-890 |
金属氧化物对十氯联苯的降解研究 | 中国科学:化学 | 刘莎,石瑞芳,黄学敏,黄林艳,刘烨煊,黎烈武,芦会杰,杨帆,苏贵金 | 2014,44,10,1665-1674 |
利用蚀刻废液生产碱式氯化铜过程中二噁英类污染物的去除 | 环境化学 | 兰永辉, 高仁富, 许世爱, 王璞, 张庆华 | 2014,33,10,1744-1749 |
偏远地区湖芯持久性有机污染物沉积记录研究进展 | 环境化学 | 谢婷, 张淑娟, 杨瑞强 | 2014,33,11,1791-1801 |
青藏高原湖泊流域土壤与牧草中多环芳烃和有机氯农药的污染特征与来源解析 | 环境科学 | 谢婷, 张淑娟, 杨瑞强 | 2014,35,7,2680-2690 |
全氟和多氟化合物环境问题研究 | 化学进展 | 史亚利,蔡亚岐 | 2014,26,4,665-681 |
全自动在线涡流固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱法直接分析血清中4种雄激素 | 分析化学 | 郭峰, 史建波, 江桂斌 | 2014,42,12,1818-1822 |
筛查内分泌干扰物的孕酮诱导非洲爪蟾卵母细胞生发泡破裂(GVBD)试验方法的优化和应用 | 生态毒理学报 | 曹闪,魏无际*,秦占芬 | 2014,9,1,90-96 |
生活垃圾焚烧厂周边土壤汞污染特征及评价 | 环境科学 | 解惠婷,张承中,徐峰,李海凤,田振宇,唐琛,刘文彬 | 2014,35,4,1523-1530 |
酸碱气体对氯代芳烃削减的影响 | 环境化学 | 刘莎,黄学敏,黄林艳,孙丽芳,黎烈武,刘烨煊,苏贵金 | 2014,33,5,731-738 |
苔藓和地衣在指示偏远地区大气持久性有机污染物中的应用 | 环境化学 | 张淑娟,杨瑞强 | 2014,33,1,37-45 |
同位素稀释高分辨气相色谱?高分辨质谱法检测烟道气中的低氯代二恶英 | 色谱 | 唐琛,刘启鹏,田振宇,解惠婷,王梦京,刘文彬 | 2014,32,9,955-959 |
我国大气污染的健康效应、主要成分及其检测方法 | 现代科学仪器 | 张庆华,陈昭晶,王璞,朱超飞,江桂斌 | 2014,3,7-12 |
我国环境化学研究新进展 | 化学通报 | 张爱茜,刘景富,景传勇, 郭良宏,郑明辉 | 2014,77,7,654-659 |
西藏普莫雍错湖芯沉积物中重金属的垂向分布及生态风险评估 | 环境科学 | 谢婷, 罗东霞, 杨瑞强 | 2014,35,11,4135-4142 |
小鼠CYP1A1基因启动子的二恶英响应元件的功能分析 | Internatioanl Journal of Molecular Science | Shuaizhang Li, Xinhui Pei, Heidi Qunhui Xie, Binzhao* | 2014,15,4,6457-6487 |
新型污染物的环境质谱技术研究进展 | 中国科学:化学 | 史亚利,魏东斌,阮挺,杨瑞强,王亚韡,李英明,蔡亚岐 | 2014,44,5,710-718 |
氧化镁纳米材料抗菌机理的研究进展 | 环境化学 | 张小乐,朱雨荷,李轻彩,车晶,江巍,蔡亚岐 | 2014,33,9,1538-1545 |
有机磷酸酯阻燃剂分析方法及其污染现状研究进展 | 环境化学 | 高立红,厉文辉,史亚利,刘杰民,蔡亚岐 | 2014,33,10,1750-1761 |
有机磷阻燃剂在不同 含氧碳纳米管上的吸附行为 | 环境化学 | 严炜,景传勇 | 2014,30,10,1692-1699 |
长期施肥对红壤和黑土硫素形态演变的影响 | 应用生态学报 | 许闯,王松山,李菊梅,马义兵,孙文涛,罗磊,张淑贞 | 2014,25,4,1069-1075 |