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Academician Jiang Guibin and others once again investigated Qiandao Lake to consolidate the foundation of "Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute"

Date:15-10-2020  |  【 A  A  A 】  |  【Print】 【Close

At the Qiandao Lake Forum in November 2019, the Chun'an County Government and the Ecological Environment Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences signed a strategic cooperation agreement to build the "Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute". In order to promote the implementation of the agreement as soon as possible, on October 12-13, 2020, Academician Jiang Guibin and Secretary of the Party Committee of Hangzhou Higher Education Institute Ma Lisong and others went to Qiandao Lake, Chun'an County, Hangzhou City to conduct field investigations and communicate with local county party committee and county government officials. Detailed communication and full discussion were conducted on the positioning, management, site and operation of the "Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute".

Jiang Guibin proposed that the construction of the Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute is urgently needed and should be promoted and promoted as soon as possible. This year is a special year. The epidemic has made people more aware of the importance of the environment and health of all mankind. Qiandao Lake is located in the key area of ??the Yangtze River Delta. Although the current water quality is good, the potential crisis cannot be ignored. Reservoir disease is a regular problem. Non-point source pollution such as the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides around the lake and domestic sewage need to be controlled in concert. It is necessary to take precautions and seize the period of strategic opportunities. The protection of the water source of Qiandao Lake is not only the local responsibility, but also the responsibility of Zhejiang and the country. The current water quality monitoring is not strong enough. It is necessary to focus on an all-weather, all-round, and full-coverage three-dimensional monitoring system, and to incorporate advanced technologies such as remote sensing.

Jiang Guibin emphasized that the Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute will be positioned as a high-level water environment research institute in the future, aiming to protect water quality, cultivate talents, serve places, and go global. The Eco-Environment Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Science and Technology University Hangzhou Higher Institute and the local government should work together to promote the construction of the research institute, and the local government should ensure the land for the research institute.

Huang Haifeng, secretary of the Chun'an County Party Committee, stated that Chun'an is a special ecologically functional area, and Qiandao Lake as a source of drinking water has received great attention and attention from many parties such as the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the National People's Congress. By 2025, tens of millions of people will drink the water of Qiandao Lake. At the same time as high-level protection of water sources, the Qiandao Lake area must also be developed with high quality. This requires the entire river basin and high standards to protect the water quality and landscape of Qiandao Lake and form a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. However, the original basic research was insufficient, the long-term follow-up research was lacking, and the investment was less. It is of great significance to establish an authoritative and high-end water environment research institute. The two parties have the same original intention for the protection of the Qiandao Lake water source. In order to establish the Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed at the Qiandao Lake Forum last November. The next step will be to strengthen communication and win support from the provinces and cities. Several parties made efforts to jointly promote the establishment of the Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute.

Chun'an County Organization Minister Fei Linjian pointed out that the next step is to implement specific responsible persons, arrange specific process timetables, and clarify the specific tasks of all parties.

Ma Lisong said that the National University of Science and Technology supports scientific research, serves the local economy, and provides help for Chun'an to build the "digital first lake". The director of the research institute came up with a specific plan as soon as possible to connect with other parties.

After the joint meeting, Jiang Guibin and his entourage inspected the Chun'an Branch of Hangzhou Ecological Environment Bureau and learned in detail about the monitoring of the water quality of Qiandao Lake and the problems encountered in water quality protection. On the whole, the water quality of Qiandao Lake has deteriorated in recent years. For example, the total nitrogen level has increased, the transparency has decreased significantly, the ecosystem is imperfect, silver carp and bighead carp account for 90%, and the self-purification capacity of the water body is worrying. In this regard, Jiang Guibin emphasized that the future research of the Qiandao Lake Water Environment Research Institute must start from these practical problems, and take the solution of the water environment quality of Qiandao Lake as the main research direction.

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