State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

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The State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology took the lead in the domestic continuous research on persistent toxic chemical pollutants (persistent toxic substances, PTS) and the establishment of environmental monitoring standard method systems in the 1970s. It is in environmental analysis methods and instruments Advanced equipment, pollution distribution and evolution trends, variant forms and environmental chemical behaviors, and ecotoxicological effects have developed basic systematic research, and made an important foundational laboratory in the construction and development of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology. Passed the demonstration by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2004, started construction in 2005, officially passed the acceptance in 2007, and was rated as an excellent national key laboratory in 2010 and 2015.

In response to the development frontiers of international disciplines and the major needs of national environmental and health research, the laboratory has achieved in-depth and systematic research in the analysis methods of persistent toxic oxides, environmental chemical behavior, toxicology and health effects, and has achieved many original results , Formed a distinctive research feature, had an important impact in today’s academia, and played an irreplaceable role in promoting the development of environmental chemistry and toxicology disciplines and supporting national progress in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Compounds

The laboratory currently has 18 research groups, including 87 permanent staff, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main research direction of the laboratory is the analysis methods of persistent toxic chemical pollutants (PTS), environmental chemical behavior, toxicology and health effects . 1 member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 member of the American Academy of Engineering, 33 scientists (3 foreigners), 5 chief scientists of the 973 project, 9 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, 8 winners of the Outstanding Youth Fund, Thousand Talents Program 4 winners, 11 winners of the "Hundred Talents Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 1 young top talent from the Organization Department of the Central Committee. There are also about 170 post-doctoral and graduate students.

During the period 2010-2016, the laboratory undertook a total of 318 scientific research projects of various types, of which, as the project support unit and person in charge, presided over 1 national science and technology support plan, 1 national key development plan, 5 973 projects, and 1 863 key project , Chinese Academy of Sciences Strategic Leading Science and Technology Special Project, 1 category B, 1 National Science and Technology Instrument of the National Fund Committee, 2 Innovation Research Groups of the National Fund Committee, 1 Major Fund Project of the National Fund Committee, 7 Key Funds of the National Fund Committee, 14 973 Papers and 863, 11 items, etc. The “Partner Laboratory of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis” established by the Hong Kong Baptist University was approved in 2013.

The laboratory has published 1177 papers in the past seven years, including 936 journals included in SCI. Published 441 papers in international journals with IF>3, including 196 papers with IF>5 and 18 papers with IF>10, including Cell and Nature Nanotech. , Nature Comm. , PNAS, Chem. Version, chemistry. Soc. Revised edition, JACS, Angew. Chemistry Int Ed, ACS Nano, EHP, ES&T, Anal. More than 200 chemistry articles. Relevant research results won 1 National Natural Science Second Prize, 1 Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Special Prize of Chinese Analytical and Testing Association (CAIA) (2nd Unit), Chinese Analytical and Testing Association (CAIA) 3 first prizes.

The laboratory's research in related fields has important international influence, with 35 people serving as editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief or editorial board member of internationally renowned magazines in this field. The office of ES&T Asia, the top magazine in the field of environmental science, is attached to this office, and Jiang Guibin is the deputy editor. Guo Lianghong, Zhao Bin, and Liu Jingfu were responsible for the environment respectively. Sci: Associate Editor of Process Impact and NanoImpact, Environment. Health aspects. Regional editor in chief, Chem. special. bioavailability. Editor in chief. Zheng Minghui was elected as Chairman of the POPs Testing Committee of the Asia-Pacific Region of the United Nations Environment Programme and an expert on the POPs project of the Chemicals Division of the United Nations Environment Programme. Jiang Guibin and Guo Lianghong were elected as fellows of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The laboratory attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation. The "International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances" established in 2004 has been held for 13 consecutive sessions, becoming a high-level international conference in this field and actively hosted by domestic and foreign counterparts. A total of 14 international cooperation projects were presided over in the year, including 4 international cooperation and exchange projects of the National Foundation of China, and more than 220 people gave conferences and specially invited lectures at important international academic conferences.

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